Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Adding text to an Off-page reference in Visio

I am creating a Visio diagram and I need to use the Off-page reference. Unlike other shapes that I can double click to assign a text, when I double click on an Off-page reference, it redirects me to its referenced shape in another page.

So how can I add text to my Off-page reference? Here are two ways:
1) Left-click on the Off-page reference, and press the F2 key, or
2) Left-click on the Off-page reference, and click the Text command on the toolbar (Home ribbon).  Shortcut key is CTRL+2.

Also make sure that you check the "Keep shape text synchronized" option when initially creating an Off-page reference. This will ensure that changes to the text of any of the shape references will be automatically reflected to the other (avoiding possible confusion if  you happen to have a number of references).



  1. thank you so much! this issue was driving me batty!

  2. I found if you gently left click on the off reference box, then just start typing. If you hard click, it will direct you to the page reference.

  3. thank you for the tip! Very helpful

  4. ...and years after also thank you from me
